Institutional Equities

Our Institutional Equities business offers top-notch research and analysis -based services to our domestic and global clients.

Our partnership with industry leaders is led by independent and thought-provoking research. Our partners hold the reputation as India’s leading domestic institutional brokerage house.

Our partners Institutional Equities franchise is widely respected, especially for its research, which is ranked #1 in the country across local and global brokerage houses.



Our partner is trusted by more than 400+ institutional investors for its intellectual honesty, thought leadership, meticulous attention to detail, strong market insight, and a buy-side approach to sell-side research.
Their 50+ member team covers 250+ stocks across ~15 sectors, covering ~80% of the total market capitalistic India.


We leverage our partners best-in-class research to sell ideas and deliver customised insights to institutional investors across the globe looking to invest in India by filtering out the noise, keeping in mind clients’ portfolio mandate and investing style.


Our partners have a seasoned 25 member trading desk with cash and derivative capabilities, offering multiple execution platforms and a sophisticated algorithm suite to enable seamless execution of complex trades across trading strategies. Its execution team also has capabilities in high touch execution, direct market access.

Corporate Access

Together with our partners, we play a key role in connecting institutional investors globally with listed and private companies, industry experts, and relevant ecosystem networks. This helps investors gain a deeper understanding of businesses across various sectors.